Grass Skippers: Dotted Skipper
Hesperia attalus

Dotted Skipper Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.38" - 1.63"
Habitat: Pine barrens, short-grass prairies
Occurrence Level: Rare stray
Flight Period: June to September
Larval Host Plant: Little bluestem, weeping lovegrass

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Dotted Skipper
New Jersey. June 10, 2016

The Dotted Skipper is a rare stray in Maryland with only one recorded sighting in Charles County. This photo is a female Dotted Skipper. The females are browner and the contrast of white spots on the underside is more pronounced.

Dotted Skipper
New Jersey. June 10, 2016

In contrast, here is the male Dotted Skipper whose color is lighter.

Dotted Skipper
New Jersey. June 10, 2016

Another photo of a male.

Dotted Skipper
New Jersey. June 10, 2016


Dotted Skipper
New Jersey. June 10, 2016

Upperside view of a female.

Dotted Skipper
New Jersey. June 10, 2016

Upperside view of a male.