Gossamer Wings: Harvester
Feniseca tarquinius

Harvester Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.13" - 1.25"
Habitat: Wet, bushy woods, especially with alder, beech
Occurrence Level: Uncommon
Flight Period: Late April to early May; June & August
Larval Host Plant: Larvae feed on wooly aphid nymphs

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Howard County, MD. August 14, 2015.

This Harvester was feasting on a dead toad.

New Castle County, DE. July 26, 2013

Beautiful dorsal view of a fresh Harvester.

Allegany County, MD. May 11, 2014.

It's always a special day when you discover a Harvester especially a fresh one!

New Castle County, DE. July 26, 2013

Harvester enjoying some bird droppings.

New Castle County, DE. July 26, 2013.

Because the proboscis of the Harvester is very short, they do not feed on flower nectar. This Harvester is sipping minerals from the wet soil.

New Castle County, DE. July 26, 2013

Wooly aphids on beech tree branches. The Harvester is the only North American butterfly species with carnivorous caterpillars which like to dine on Wooly Aphids.

Howard County, MD. June 8, 2014

Garrett County, MD. June 15, 2014

It certaintly has been a good year for Harvesters. They have been sighted in many Maryland Counties in 2014.